Myasthenia gravis


    • Chronic auto-immune disorder of the post-synaptic membrane at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) in skeletal muscle

    • Circulating antibodies against the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AchR) and associated proteins impair neuromuscular transmission

    • Patients present with muscle weakness which typically worsens with continued activity (fatigue) and improves on rest

    • Severity varies from isolated eye muscle weakness to generalised muscle weakness and respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation

Risk Factors

    • Female gender

    • Ages 20 – 40

    • Familial myasthenia gravis

    • D-penicillamine ingestion (drug-induced myasthenia)

    • Having other autoimmune diseases

Differential diagnosis

  • Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome (LEMS)

      • Prominent proximal leg and arm weakness accompanied by diminished muscle stretch reflexes that improve with brief exercise.

      • Autonomic symptoms such as dry mouth, constipation and impotence are present in some patients.

      • Eye muscles are occasionally involved at presentation.

      • Respiratory failure is uncommon.

      • Associated with small-cell lung cancer in up to 70% of patients.

  • Botulism

      • Symptoms similar to myasthenia gravis (MG) but there may be hypotension, bradycardia, diarrhoea followed by constipation, and urinary retention.

    • Penicillamine-induced myasthenia gravis

      • Symptoms similar to MG can occur after weeks or months of treatment

      • They may remit on withdrawal of the drug; recovery may be slow or incomplete

  • Primary myopathies

      • Gradually progressive muscle weakness which is not fatigable.

      • These include auto-immune inflammatory myopathies or heritable myopathies as in mitochondrial diseases, such as progressive external ophthalmoplegia, or oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD).

      • Positive family history


    • Uncommon disease with an estimated worldwide prevalence of 100 to 200 per million population. [5]

    • While MG reportedly occurs in all ethnic groups, relative differences in disease prevalence are yet to be determined.

    • The disease is manifest from infancy to old age and can occur in both genders although more women than men are affected. [4]

      • Women usually present during childbearing age.

      • Men typically develop symptoms at a later age with a median age of onset in the seventh decade.

    • It appears that the prevalence of MG is on the increase, particularly in developed countries.

      • This may be, in part, due to an ageing population, improved longevity of MG patients and availability of more accurate diagnostic tools.

    • The subset of MG with antibodies directed against muscle tyrosine kinase (MuSK) predominantly affects women (between 80% to 90% of patients)

      • The incidence is significantly higher in black women, particularly in the US, and the average age at symptom onset is in the mid-30s; earlier than that in non-MuSK MG. [2]


    • Several lines of evidence suggest that myasthenia gravis (MG) is an organ-specific, antibody-mediated auto-immune disease.

      • Antibodies are present at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ), the site of pathology. [6]

      • About 80% to 90% of patients have detectable antibodies against the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AchR) on the post-synaptic muscle membrane at the NMJ.

      • Another 3% to 7% of patients have antibodies directed against muscle tyrosine kinase (MuSK), another NMJ protein.

      • Passive transfer of AchR antibodies from experimental rodents or immunoglobulins from patients with MG causes symptoms similar to MG in rodents. [7]

      • Furthermore, immunisation with AchR reproduces MG in experimental animals. [8]

      • In addition, removal of antibodies by plasma exchange or immunosuppression ameliorates symptoms in patients with MG. [9] [10]

    • The aetiology for the synthesis of auto-immune antibodies remains unclear

      • Certain genotypes, particularly linked to the HLA complex, may be more susceptible. [11]

      • Also, the thymus may be involved.

        • MG is associated with thymic follicular hyperplasia or thymoma in 70% and 10% patients, respectively. [12]

        • Thymic myoid cells express AchR and may possibly trigger auto-antibody synthesis.

        • In contrast in MuSK MG, thymus gland histology is usually normal and thymoma is rare.

Clinical features

    • Muscle fatigability

      • The weakness worsens with activity (fatigue) and improves on rest and the fluctuations show diurnal variation (better in morning than in the evening)

    • Ptosis

      • Drooping eyelids and double vision occur early in the majority of patients. [3]

      • The pupils are spared.

      • Cooling of eyelid for at least 2 minutes with an ice pack (ice test) improves ptosis in more than 95% of patients with myasthenia gravis (MG).

        • It does not improve severe ptosis

    • Diplopia

      • Double vision occurs early in the majority of patients. [3]

    • Dysphagia

      • Difficulties in chewing or swallowing occur when the facial and oropharyngeal muscles are affected

    • Dysarthria

      • Changes in speech occur when the oropharyngeal muscles are affected and there may be a characteristic nasal speech

    • Facial paresis

      • Changes in expression occur when the facial muscles are affected and there may be a characteristic flattened smile

    • Proximal limb weakness

      • Difficulty in getting out of chairs or climbing stairs.

      • There is no evident muscle wasting.

      • Reflexes are normal.

      • Sensations are intact

    • Shortness of breath

      • If shortness of breath becomes severe enough to require mechanical ventilation, the patient is said to be in MG crisis


    • In myasthenia gravis (MG), an auto-immune attack against acetylcholine receptors (AchRs) results in destruction of the post-synaptic membrane. [4]

    • The reduced number of available binding sites for acetylcholine leads to inconsistent generation of muscle fibre action potentials which manifest as skeletal muscle weakness.

    • Muscle tyrosine kinase (MuSK) is an agrin dependent protein on muscle membrane with an essential role in anchoring AchR at the tips of the postsynaptic folds


    • Serum anti-acetylcholine receptor (anti-AchR) antibody analysis

      • Antibodies are detectable in 80% to 90% of patients with generalised myasthenia gravis (MG) and up to 50% of patients with ocular MG. [17]

        • Sensitivity: greater than 90% in generalised MG; 40% to 60% in ocular MG.

        • Specificity: 99%.

      • If the result is negative or equivocal proceed to antimuscle tyrosine kinase (MuSK) antibody assay

    • Antimuscle tyrosine kinase (MuSK) antibodies

      • Positive test in up to 70% of AchR seronegative generalised MG. [14] [2]

    • Serial pulmonary function tests

      • Indicated if shortness of breath and suspected MG crisis.

      • Serial measurements of FVC and negative inspiratory force (NIF) are taken.

      • Indication for mechanical ventilation includes FVC 15 mL/kg or less (normal ≥60 mL/kg) and NIF 20 cm H2O or less (normal ≥70 cm H2O).

      • Physicians should not wait for abnormal ABG as it occurs late in the course after clinical decompensation

    • Antistriational antibodies

      • This test is not done routinely in all patients

      • These antibodies are rare in patients without thymoma.

      • Detected in 75% to 95% of patients with thymoma and MG

    • Repetitive nerve stimulation

      • Sensitivity, 79% in generalised MG, 50% in ocular MG.

      • Specificity, 97%. [17]

      • Brief exercise of a muscle prior to the test may enhance decrement response.

      • If the result is negative and clinical suspicion is high, proceed to single fibre EMG.

      • Positive decrement also seen in Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome (LEMS) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

      • In MuSK MG, generally the yield of abnormal result is high in proximal muscles, for example the trapezius, deltoid and facial muscles.

      • For patients with neck and respiratory weakness, it is important to evaluate clinically affected muscles as the test may be normal in limb and face muscles. [2]

      • Greater than 10% decline in compound muscle action potential (CMAP) amplitude between the first and fourth potential in a train of 10 stimulations of the motor nerve at 2 to 3 Hz is considered a positive response

    • Single-fibre EMG

      • Sensitivity, 86% to 92% and specificity, 70% to 96% in facial muscles in ocular MG;

      • Sensitivity and specificity, 98% in generalised MG. [17]

      • Abnormal test may be seen in LEMS and ALS, inflammatory myopathies, or patients injected with botulinum toxin.

      • Increase variability in motor latencies (jitter) or complete failure of neuromuscular transmission (block) in some muscle fibres

    • CT of chest

      • Should be performed in all newly diagnosed patients to detect thymoma (which occurs in about 15% of patients with MG) or thymic hyperplasia (which occurs in 75% of MG patients)


a) conservative

    • Supportive care

      • Includes DVT prophylaxis; ulcer prophylaxis; adequate nutrition and hydration; and avoidance of infections and drugs that may worsen myasthenia symptoms.

b) medical

    • Plasma exchange or intravenous immunoglobulin

      • Acute therapy for the recovery of transmission across neuromuscular junction

      • Plasma exchange has rapid response with onset usually after 2 to 3 sessions.

        • Effects are temporary, lasting weeks.

        • Therapy is expensive and requires hospitalisation.

      • Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) is easy to administer but expensive

        • When patients respond, the onset is rapid within 4 to 5 days with maximal response apparent within 1 to 2 weeks

      • In patients with muscle tyrosine kinase (MuSK) MG, plasma exchange and immunoglobulin are used during acute exacerbations and crises.

      • Observational studies indicate plasma exchange to be more effective than immunoglobulin. [2]

    • Pyridostigmine

      • Patients with frequent symptoms should be treated with a cholinesterase inhibitor.

      • In patients with muscle tyrosine kinase (MuSK) MG, clinical response to cholinesterase inhibitor therapy is generally less favourable

        • Frequent muscarinic and nicotinic side effects, and sometimes even worsening of symptoms.

        • Despite this poor response, most patients receive pyridostigmine due to its low side effect profile and low cost

    • Corticosteroids

      • Corticosteroids are used in older men with ocular myasthenia gravis (MG) and those with mild disease who fail pyridostigmine monotherapy

    • Immunosuppressant

      • Several options are available and include low-dose corticosteroids, azathioprine, mycophenolate mofetil, ciclosporin and tacrolimus

      • Patients with generalised myasthenia gravis (MG) with moderate symptoms usually require chronic corticosteroid maintenance therapy. [1] [25]

      • It is prudent to begin therapy with low dose and gradually titrate up towards maximum dose

        • High doses can induce worsening of MG symptoms, including precipitating a myasthenic crisis.

      • Immunotherapy is tailored for each patient, including time to onset of response, adverse effect profile, availability and cost

      • Tacrolimus is generally better tolerated than ciclosporin. [31]

c) surgical

    • Intubation and mechanical ventilation

      • Indication for mechanical ventilation includes FVC 15 mL/kg or less (normal ≥60 mL/kg) and negative inspiratory force (NIF) 20 cm H2O or less (normal ≥70 cm H2O)

    • Some patients may require a tracheostomy and percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube. [4]

    • Thymectomy

      • Performed in patients with thymoma (any age) or without thymoma (15 to 55 years old). [27]

      • Approaches available include robotic thoracotomy, transcervical or full sternotomy.

      • It is generally accepted that more complete the removal of thymus, higher is the rate of remission in MG symptoms.

      • Onset of benefit is delayed, rarely seen within 6 months and requires follow-up of up to 2 to 5 years for demonstrated efficacy.

      • The role of thymectomy for patients with muscle tyrosine kinase (MuSK) MG remains uncertain in the absence of a controlled trial.


    • Symptomatic improvement and clinical remission are the goals of therapy.

      • However, the onset of improvement varies greatly from days to months.

    • Typically, older men with ocular complaints respond promptly to corticosteroid monotherapy whereas generalised symptoms are slower to respond and require more aggressive therapy.

    • Chronic maintenance drug therapy is often required.

    • Disease exacerbations can occur due to infections, surgery, medicine exposures, malignancy, pregnancy or other stressors.

      • Myasthenic crisis can sometimes be averted with aggressive early intervention during an exacerbation.

    • Most patients enjoy good quality of life and normal lifespan due to advances in diagnosis and immunosuppressive treatment.