13.03.15 Eczema
Atopic march
Eczema 0-2 years
Hayfever 3-5 years
Then asthma
Baby eczema
Different distribution: Face, Trunk, Flexors
Extensors come later
Symptoms: Reduced feeding, FTT, Scratching +/- bleeding, Not sleeping, Infection (pustules, vesicles, weeping)
Keep the water in and the allergens out with barrier moisturiser
Bathe every day (good for hydration + cleaning)
Steroids: Hit it hard, in bursts
Carry on until settled and for 3 more days
Don't ever go above eumovate for face/neck
Apply until you can see a shimmer (don't be shy)
Side effect: Thin skin with prolonged use
Protopics (tacrolimus)
Only if >2
? Skin cancer risk
Treat infections
Steroid ladder
0.5% hydrocortisone is homeopathic
1% is only any good for very, very mild eczema
Don't ever use calomine for anyything ever
Potassium permangenate
Generally reserved for adults
Use it pink, never purple
Eczema flare look raised/rough and are more itchy
Untreated childhood eczema predisposes to severe, refractory adult eczema