12.09.20 X ray and teaching notes
Child safeguarding - Radiology
X-ray changes in fractures:
Resolution of soft tissue changes: 4-10 days
Sub-periosteal new bone formation (SPBNF): 10-14 days
Soft callus formation: 14-21 days
Causes loss of fracture line definition
Hard callus formation
21-42 days
These processes are very variable and all overlap
Extremely hard to reliably date fractures
No-one has any idea what vitamin D deficiency does to fracture risk + healing time
LOADS of kids are vit D deficient
50% of acute rib fractures are not visible on CXR
Much easier to see after callus formation
Brain haematomas
Extradural are convex
Because they're bounded by the dura
Subdural are concave
Spread out easily
CT or X ray is good for acute changes
Blood is bright
MRI is better for later changes
Asthma teaching
Upper airway obstruction can be very difficult to distinguish from lower airway obstruction
Because it's transmitted - especially in children
Listen all over the lungs - if the sound doesn't change, it's probably from the upper airways
Atopy tetrad
Hay fever
Triad of airway narrowing in asthma
Muscle spasm
Pressure-Volume curves
Volume on the X-axis!
Work done is area under the line / Area enclosed by a closed cycle
At high lung volumes (i.e. with air trapping)...
Compliance is less
So dV/dP is lower
So the area enclosed by the breathing cycle is bigger
=> Raised WOB in a hyperinflated lung
Biologics used in asthma
Binds free IgE
Useful in severe persistent allergic asthma patient who have a positive skin test or in vitro reactivity to a perennial aeroallergen
Doesn't work
Anti-TNF alpha
Poor side-effect profile - discontinued
Very modest improvement
What you eat (nutrient balance)
What you are (body composition)
What you do (functional)
Birth weight definitions
LBW < 2500 g
VLBW < 1500 g
ELBW < 1000 g
Neonatal calorie requirements
40 kcal/kg/day just to lie still
Additional 40-80 kcal/kg/day to grow, cry, etc
Calorie density in foods
Fats: 9 kcal/g
Glucose: 4 kcal/g
Breast milk: 70 kcal/100 ml
Weight triples between 29-40 weeks gestation
Much of this is fat
Due to increasing fetal insulin production
Babies can breast feed at around 33-34 weeks gestation
Reflexes not developed before then
Can't give hypertonic fluids (e.g. TPN) through a peripheral line
=> Oedema => Leakage into tissues => Tissue damage (e.g. calcium)
Breast feeding => 5-fold reduction in NEC
Even with bank milk (pasteurised)
Breast feeding effect on IQ
Normally 2-6 point increase
Even more effect for pre-term babies
Due to lipids needed for brain development
Home nebs
Where from?
Do you know how to use them?
Food allergy
What happens?
Have you consulted anyone?
Who were they?
Were they medically trained or just a "nutritionist"
NB Dieticians are registered and licensed but most other "nutritionists" aren't
What medication do you have?
Eczema first presenting in the first year of life tends not to persist
Croup really just refers to the noise (from any cause)
What we mean is laryngotracheobronchitis (LTB)
Anion gap is predominantly due to proteins
RDS => Chronic lung disease of prematurity
WOB in RDS rips lungs apart within 15 mins
=> Usefulness of HFOV
Base excess is measured in mmol/L
=> Direct measure of how much bicarb you need to use to correct acidosis
Normally only "half-correct" to avoid giving too much sodium
Fluid from a ruptured Baker's cyst tracks down between soleus + gastrocnemius and gives calf/Achilles pain
The most dangerous thing about home nebs is being falsely reassured by decreased WOB, when it's actually due to exhaustion
Crucial to monitor sats
Spacers must be held at 45 degrees when used with a face mask, to keep the valve open
Term is 37 - 42 weeks