Final Year LOBs
MBBS Final Year Learning Objectives
Alimentary system
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Genitourinary System
Intensive care
Malignancy and oncology
Malignancy and oncology: Presentation and principles of malignant disease
Define the term 'malignancy' and describe the aetiology and mechanisms involved in oncogenesis [1676 - BCS. Priority 1]
Outline the epidemiology of the common cancers in the UK [1677 - CPH. Priority 1]
Outline the classification of tumour types [1678 - BCS. Priority 1]
Describe routes and mechanisms of tumour spread [1679 - BCS. Priority 1]
Describe the principles for staging malignant disease [1680 - BCS. Priority 1]
Explain how histological findings influence prognosis [1681 - BCS. Priority 1]
Describe the prognostic implications of staging and give examples [1682 - BCS. Priority 1]
Explain to a patient the nature and purpose of a biopsy [1683 - PD. Priority 1]
Describe the local, distant and systemic effects of malignancy [1684 - BCS. Priority 1]
Malignancy and oncology: Acute management of oncological emergencies
Describe the presentation and management of malignant hypercalcaemia [1685 - BCS. Priority 1*]
Describe the presentation and management of superior vena cava obstruction [1686 - BCS. Priority 1*]
Describe the presentation and management of spinal cord compression [1687 - BCS. Priority 1*]
Malignancy and oncology: Multidisciplinary Management in Oncology
List different modalities of treatment for malignancy [1688 - BCS. Priority 1]
Discuss the principles of chemotherapy and radiotherapy including the problems of unwanted effects and what measures may be employed to minimise their impact [1689 - BCS. Priority 1]
Describe the role of surgery in the management of malignant disease [1690 - BCS. Priority 1]
Discuss the psychological and social impact on the individual and family, and provision of support in hospital and the community [1691 - CPH. Priority 1]
Specify the contribution of different professionals in the care of a patient with cancer [1692 - PPD. Priority 1]
Discuss the concept of cure and remission [1693 - BCS. Priority 1]
Nervous System
Obstetrics: Antenatal care
Describe the patterns and provision of antenatal care available [2349 - CPH. Priority 1]
Outline the primacy of maternal choice throughout pregnancy with reference to the legal and ethical issues [2350 - PPD. Priority 1]
Describe the principles, practice and rationale of routine screening tests in antenatal care [2351 - BCS. Priority 1]
Outline the rationale, risks and benefits, and psychological impact of diagnostic tests such as amniocentesis and chorionic villous including ethical and legal issues [2352 - BCS. Priority 2]
Outline the common genetic and congenital abnormalities and how they may present and be diagnosed including Down's syndrome, cystic fibrosis, neural tube defects and congenital cardiac defects [2353 - BCS. Priority 1]
Outline the effects that drugs and certain teratogens may have on embryonic and fetal development at different stages and the principles surrounding prescribing in pregnancy [2354 - BCS. Priority 1]
Outline the pathophysiology, clinical sequelae and principles of management of Rhesus iso-immunisation [2355 - BCS. Priority 1]
Describe the pathophysiology, presentation, diagnosis and management of common obstetric disorders which may have consequences for the mother and/or fetus [2356 - BCS. Priority 1]
Outline the maternal and fetal implications of pregnancy in women with common and/or important pre-existing medical conditions [2357 - BCS. Priority 1]
Describe the concepts of perinatal and maternal morbidity and mortality and the common conditions that contribute to them [2358 - CPH. Priority 1]
Perform an antenatal obstetric history and examination [2359 - PD. Priority 1]
Obstetrics: Intrapartum Care
Define the three stages of normal labour with reference to the underlying anatomy and physiology [2360 - BCS. Priority 1]
Describe the management of normal labour, including use of the partogram, and the contribution of different health care professionals to the care of women in labour [2361 - PD. Priority 1]
Describe the analgesic options available to women in labour [2362 - BCS. Priority 1]
Describe how the structures in the female pelvis relate to pregnancy, labour and obstetric intervention [2363 - BCS. Priority 1]
Describe the principles of maternal and fetal monitoring in labour including basic interpretation of cardiotocographs (CTGs) [2364 - BCS. Priority 1]
Define abnormal labour, list the indications for and management of abnormal labour including induction, augmentation and operative delivery including Ventouse, forceps and Caesarean Section, including the risks and benefits of each [2365 - PD. Priority 1]
Outline the risks and benefits associated with induction and augmentation of labour, assisted vaginal delivery (Ventouse and forceps) and Caesarean Section [2366 - PD. Priority 1]
Know the effects, mechanism of action and clinical indications of oxytocin (or synthetic analogue), prostaglandins, ergometrine and ß2-adrenoceptor agonists [2367 (Updated) - BCS. Priority 1]
Explain to a patient the evidence relating to mode of delivery of singleton breech deliveries [2368 - PD. Priority 1]
Describe the principles of management of obstetric emergencies including postpartum haemorrhage (PPH), cord prolapse & shoulder dystocia [2369 - PD. Priority 1*]
Describe the diagnosis and management of premature labour [2370 - PD. Priority 1]
Describe how drug treatment of women in premature labour can help prevent respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn [2371 - BCS. Priority 1]
Explain the origin of infant respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn, the effect it has on infants' lungs and breathing, what sort of infants are most likely to have the syndrome (and why) and the principles for preventing it [2372 - BCS. Priority 1]
Obstetrics: The puerperium
Outline the normal physiological and psychological events in the puerperium [2373 - BCS. Priority 1]
Outline the anatomy and physiology of lactation and the benefits and disadvantages of breast feeding [2374 - BCS. Priority 1]
Outline the principles of prescribing during lactation [2375 - BCS. Priority 1]
Outline the factors involved in mother-child bonding [2376 - CPH. Priority 1]
Recognise abnormalities of the puerperium and describe their causes and management [2377 - PD. Priority 1]